Episode 4: How Trauma Can Transform With Richie Bostock


Join Richie (@thebreathguy) and I as we explore breath, trauma, emotions, and healing! Richie shares is story, inspired by Wim Hof and how he found his path in breathwork as a by-product of his relaptionship with his father. Highlighting the importance of reflexive control over breathing, Richie speaks into the power of conscious hyperventilation and its profound adaptation effects on the body. He describes breath to be an access point to all attributes of well-being and how he uses it for trauma healing. Analagous to swiss army knife, Richie talks into how you can make the shift into the right direction and why that's important! Lets dive a little deeper with intention!

Learn More with Richie Bostock


Episode 5: Your Breathing Is Causing Your Incontinence with Julie Wieb


Episode 3: Should Yogis do Ujjayi Breathing? with Matthew Shaw