Episode 18: The Neuroscience of Pain with Dr. Eric Cobb


Welcome to episode 1 of the “Neuroscience series” on the “Love at First Science” Podcast where Dr. Cobb and I dive into the intricate world of pain. Dr. Cobb shares its insightful understanding - based on his 30 year old career - on what is pain and how it’s working. Among the other topics covered, Dr. Cobb underlines the importance of recognising that not everybody responds to the same stimuli in the same way and that we need to be very careful about any kind of blanket statement: the best practitioners are the ones who acknowledge they don’t know everything.

Learn More with Dr. Eric Cobb
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Z-Health’s Website


Episode 19: The Female Brain with Dr. Sarah McKay


Episode 17: The Gut-Histamine Connection with Tony Wrighton